Thursday, May 24, 2012

Boracay2012 (Day 3)

          Woke up to the 2nd to the last breakfast with cire:) Going sentimental because i was enjoying so much going around and bonding with cire and this boracay trip being the farthest out of town trip we had together. Loving the long walks and Adventures with him. so heres the first outfit i wore to breakfast:) A maxi Dress i got from a bazaar
Went around for a few hours had a short rest before were off to Island Hoping:)

 Had a mini Photoshoot in this beach are with whiter sand
 Crystal cove! went in with Cire:) This place is like a giant island park:)

Will post the beach & crystal Cove separately:)The only activity we had in our stay but i totally enjoyed company sweetheart even if hes really not fond of water activities it always makes him dizzy:)
you like more stories?:D Coming up next:p
